Tag Archives: 2019-2020

First Week of Kindergarten

Wow! What a great first week of school!

We read LOTS of books, had an orientation to learn how to beSAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE in our school, explored learning tools in our classroom, and learned a lot of routines to help us be Ready to Learn! When we’re ready to learn, our eyes are watching, ears are listening, our voices are quiet, and our bodies are calm. Everyone did a nice job!

We also worked on how to follow directions quickly, that’s our number one rule! It will help us be safe and ready to learn. When the teacher gives a direction, we

“Do it right away,

Do it the right way,

Do it with a happy heart and a happy voice!”

Please take a minute to empty your child’s yellow B.E.E binder(Bring Everything Everyday) tonight and send it back on Tuesday.This folder will contain important notes from school and papers/work to be proud of by your child! You may also send in notes, lunch money, etc. to me in this folder. It will come homeEVERYDAY from here on out. Please make sure to send it back to school each day.

Please check the reminders and requests below to help your child in the coming days.


If you haven’t done so already, please label your child’s lunch box, backpack, jacket, and water bottle. It can be tricky for students to identify these things. Thank you!

Back Packs

You may notice bus tags were placed on your child’s backpack.Please keep these attached as they will help me, as well as other teachers, direct them to the correct bus/car.


Please pack a healthy snack every day (even if your child gets hot lunch) place this snack in a SEPARATE part of your child’s backpack and NOT in the lunch box. Thank you for your help!


Thank you for all the supplies We have already put some of it to use and are excited to use more in the coming days!

Here is a link to our Amazon Classroom wishlist:https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2S2OUSG1J8O7J?ref_=wl_share

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a great Labor Day weekend! School will resume on Tuesday,September 3.

Please remember to join our class Dojo.  I will be using it as our main form of communication.

Mrs. Wert